Jos Disco allocates 76 feeders for Band A clients

Jos Disco allocates 76 feeders for Band A clients

JEDC Implements Band A Scheme for Enhanced Power Supply

The Jos Electricity Distribution Company (JEDC) has announced the dedication of 76 feeders to the Band A scheme within Jos and its surrounding areas. This initiative aims to improve efficiency and effectiveness in electricity distribution to customers.

JEDC has formed seven-member teams for each feeder to ensure uninterrupted power supply in accordance with the Band A schedule. The company expects customers to reciprocate this privilege by paying their electricity bills in full and on time.

Starting November 1, JEDC will implement the Feeders Management System and Bilateral Arrangements. Under this new system, consumers will enjoy a more reliable and uninterrupted electricity supply based on their band classification.

JEDC’s management has implemented these measures to enhance customer satisfaction. Partial payments for consumed energy will no longer be accepted. Only customers who pay their bills in full will receive a steady electricity supply.

JEDC advises customers to embrace the new scheme and cooperate with the feeder management staff to ensure optimal service.


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